Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Ipsy Bag! June 2013

Hey Bloggers!

I'm sure there are mommies out there that like beauty products a few months back i subscribe to this beauty monthly subscription to Ipsy!. It was known before as Glam Bag but some changes were made. Anyway this months bag is called "On the Wild Side" its a unique title for this product because the bag its self looked kind of wild...lol

                                                       Inside this pretty bag are beautiful magic things! 

This eye liner is from the company called "Cailyn" the name of this color is "Purple" - Figures! 

  Along with the eye liner came with a Lip pencil liner from Starlook. I have heard of Starlook from some YouTube gurus and i was excited to try them out myself.
 The next product on the bag is this dry shampoo spray from psssst!! This is something i could use when my hair is straight i feel its less product i could be using when its straight then with my hot mess of curls!.

 This eye gel sparkling cream palette, i really didn't like it that much cause the product to me was to pleasing until i saw pictures on the ipsy website and saw that a few subscribers use the cream palette on their nails! I thought that was a very creative idea.

 The Last product i got inside my June bag is this pretty NYX cream blush! I was excited to get this product cause i've never had any NYX products. This cream blush is very creamy and the consistency is like of a lip balm and a little does goes along way.

So this is just an overview of all the products in my June Ipsy Bag, the site is Ipsy.com if you are interested in the subscrption which is only $10/month and it all worth the price! Full size products, some travel size and pretty make-up bag each month, can't get better then that.

Until the next blog! :)

Friday, June 21, 2013


Hey Bloggers!

The Month of June is the month of celebration! We celebrated my college graduation and today is my eldest daughter Joannelly Pre-K graduation, more like a stepping up ceremony. It was very exciting because now she will be going to Kindergarten. Yyeyy! another year of learning which is the next stepping stone of her education.

I created a video of the ceremony and i wanted to share it with all the mommy bloggers out there cause i believe as a mother its a beauty feeling to have.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

What i carried on my carry on bag!

Hey Bloggers,

When on vacation we got to pack the basic, well in my case i carry mostly kid basics. I created this video to share my idea of what i carry on my carry-on when we went to Disney World. It was much that i carried but i am just so impress of the quality of the bag that i brought for such a price. I purchase the bag at The Container Store and to my surprise it was on sale, like if the bag was waiting for me this whole time! So here is my video i created to share my idea of "what i carried on my carry-on bag"

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

DISNEY WORLD 2013 First Family Vacation

Hey Bloggers,

This pass week my family and i went on our first big family trip to Orlando Florida. We went for the first time to Disney World. This trip was such a magical trip for us four, especially the little princess inside me. It was an unforgettable expensive trip but every moment and rain drop was so worth it. We went in hurricane season so of course it rained in Florida but the rain did not stop us. With a lot of days planning and saving AND preparing, we managed to survive the trip. The resort where we stayed was amazing!!! We only stay for 5 days but this trip was worth staying  for 7 days. I guess maybe next time we can go visit the Disney Land in California. I'm such a travel bug i love traveling. So here is a video of our adventure to Disney World. ENJOY! :)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

May Favorites 2013 Mommy and the girls favorites

Hey Bloggers!

The Month of May has passed which was the month of Mommies! I was able to come across a few this that i have been using or reading or eating for the pass month.
My mother's day gifts:
From Joannelly
 From Amelia

I love what it said on each gift it melt my hearts that of my family had to express towards me,

 From My Husband 
The Card came with flowers but by the time i did my monthly video the flowers have already died.

The next few things i have mentioned that were my (Mommy) favorites for the month of  May were the following:
My blushes: 
These blushes gave me a nice spring glow and brighten up my cheeks 
Left: Ipsy-Beauty Bomshell (Beach Please) $10/month Ipsy.com
Right: MAC (Stubborn) $22

My tumblr:

  I use my tumblr for home-made juices, healthy protein shakes, water and delicious smoothies. It has been a helpful thing to have especially during the summer time. CVS- $5.99

Healthy Snack:
Belvita- $6.99 for a pack of 12
Belvita is breakfast biscuits and it has 19 grams of whole wheat. These breakfast biscuits are a good on-the-go breakfast when we have one of those busy morning and there's not time to make breakfast. Its very tasteful and since it has cinnamon which is a energy booster especially in the morning or whenever needed. 

My Book: Stephenie Meyer- "Twilight" 
It was a gift

My Girly Favorites:

Target- $1.00
I bought the glasses for our first family trip to Disney World and i thought they were adorable and affordable to wear. The girls fell in love with them!

 Joannelly's Sneakers:

 Joannelly has worn these sneakers every single day since she has gotten them. Her grandmother (my mother-in-law) brought the sneakers and has become her favorite.

So that is all our May Favorites of 2013, until next blog.

Aids Walk 2013

Last year i joined the Aids Walk 2012 with one of my aunts in honor of my own mother who had passed away 10 years ago. I joined this year with my own team. I was very proud of the work i have done to help raise money for the cause. Which is why im volunteering along side with my little sister. The things that us human beings can do to help others, i believe its something my mother taught her children growing up.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Class Trip to the Zoo

Just wanted to share a video i created with Joannelly!. My oldest daughter had a class trip last month to the zoo. It was a fun adventures, i like making vlogs capturing all the adventurous times i have with both my girls. Time does pass by too quickly and its important to capture these moments. so i hope you enjoy watching the video as much as i did.Until the next Blog!

New Changes!!

So I've realize that this year 2013 was the year of change. This pass few weeks i found out i am going to graduate with a Associate Degree meaning bye bye for the years i have spent try to finish college. So while i was at my college sorting out what was left for me to day before i graduated, i went with the girls to see their teachers for a last good-bye.
I knew i had to say good bye to the center since both girls attended here but i didn't want to leave without a picture.

That wasn't the only thing i said good bye to. We recently got a new car it was hard letting go of the old car because it was our very first family car. I had to take last moment pictures of the car because i grew to love and when we grew to love things its hard to let them go. I knew it was for the best because anything my husband does for this family is always for the best.

So yea New Changes this year, i'm nervous and excited. Until next blog