Sunday, April 20, 2014

Spring Break Vaca Day 7 "Easter Day"

 Happy Easter Everyone!!

Our Easter was kind of a mellow one, only because i woke up really late and the girls got home from their sleepover. Our plan for today was to spend Easter at my grandma house but instead we stay home. i Didn't want to ruin the activities of the day which was coloring Easter eggs and some Easter treats.The day was spent cleaning up my kitchen cabinets, cleaning out all these bugs that we really hate so we hire an exterminator. So hubby and i are very tired, the girls were pondering around the house saying "i'm bored mommy!!" As tired i was i didn't want to leave my girls hanging and it's Easter they were expecting some fun activities i had store for them to do. The first activity, which it was mostly eating, I had made some jell-o Easter jiggles a few days ago (maybe Friday) and today they go to eat them. The next thing on our agenda was to decorate some eggs, i did't have any so i had to go downstairs to buy some. The girls had so much fun decorating the eggs, tinting the eggs and painting them too. The last thing we did was made cupcakes! Not just any cupcakes but Easter Baskets Cupcakes!! Joannelly was really into making these cupcakes i guess she get that enthusiastic from me i'm a baker myself (just not a professional one) Amelia just wanted to eat her cupcake, can't blame her. I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter, not much for me to write i'm so tired and i will call it night.

Until the next Blog!..


(Jojo's Cupcake is the first

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