Sunday, November 30, 2014

November Highlights 2014

Welcome back Wendy where have you you been? Well I'm glad you asked. I know I have been away from my blog for some time now and a lot has happen this pass month that I have been beyond grateful for. In today's post I decided to share my most memorable moments in the month of November of 2014. I was pretty busy in my kitchen as well but I'll explain more in this blogs. I went through my phone photo gallery to look back at some pictures i took in the month of November and below are a list of moments that I want to share...some may be mommy related and others are more family related..the point is that they were special to me.

Family Taco night: 
It was a Wednesday night instead of the famous traditional "Taco Tuesday" we had tacos on Wednesday. For once it was a night where mommy wasn't hurting her self in the kitchen or in attempt to burn something.  It was a quick and easy dinner to make and the girls were independently making tacos like the big girls that they are. Joannelly wanted tacos a week before that night and it turn out to be a big success in the here --> Taco Blog

Birthday/Big Hero 6:

Last month Disney premier the movie "Big Hero 6" about a robotic health care provider was created then after a tragedy the robot was in the care of a 14 year old boy named "Hiro" It was a beautiful made family movie and it came out three days before my birthday (Nov. 10) I thought that was a perfect opportunity to take mommy out to the movies for her birthday.  The girls were more excited about the movie than mommy turning a year older. We had our family movie and dinner date by New Rochelle in NY.  click here ---> BIRTHDAY vlog

Baby Zoey/she turned 5 months:
So as you know by now I have a huge obsession with my latest niece..I adore her with all my heart. This month I have spent so much time with her and I couldn't ask for the best moments with her. Watching her grow and learn new things she just give me baby fever to the max and takes me back to memory lane of when my girls were 5 months. I have seen this baby come out from the most darkest place in a mother's body, I have seen this before with my first niece but it wasn't as much intensive as the birth of my fourth niece. I have the same love for all my nieces but I feel we shared a moment a special one at that.

Lunch with the little sister:
It was the day of my birthday and I had lunch with my sister over at Olive was our first time eating there (didn't know they had complementary wine taste) I wish I hadn't forgotten the name of the type of wine the waiter gave me..after we ate our lunch I was grilling at the pumpkin pie cheese cake on the menu that the minute my waiter asked "would you like anything else?" I look straight at her and she knew exactly what my heart wanted. Next thing I know I heard a bunch of waiters with my slice of pie singing "Happy Birthday" to me. I was at peace with my pretty pretty baby, slice of pie and a glass of some good wine I had.

2 Frozen party plus 2 other parties: 

First thing I want to mention was that I thought "Beaver Fever" was bad but Frozen fever is just to overwhelming.  Don't get me wrong I LOVE Frozen, the girls and I would watch the movie over and over till the point we couldn't "Let it go" but it gets tired at one point like these sisters are not the only Disney princess out there. But I don't mind giving the little princesses what they want. In the month of November the girls and I attend to two Frozen parties. We also went to another party for my little cousin who turned 3 and the girls grandfather who turned 60. Click here --> Frozen vlog

NYC Mommy Meetup:

As a YouTube mommy vlogger, I love watching other YouTube mom's and YouTube vloggers. The 411mommas had a mommy event with venders for kids and mommies. There was a performance and a panel filled with other YouTube mommy vlogger/bloogers. I was able to share this moment with my best-friend and she could have been the perfect person to go with it. She accepts the fact the I do YouTube videos, blogging and support me through it all. We really enjoyed ourselves a lot and left home with AMAZING goodie bags for mommy and for the kiddos too! 
Click here -->  mommy meetup vlog

Cake cupcake cake-pops:

In a week never did i thought I would be so busy in my kitchen and my oven so over heated in three days. I had two orders in one week. I guess it was a good experience for when I launch my baking business. I was impressed with myself that I was able to complete that much work in just a week. And I was very pleased with my end results, it inspired me to see that my dreams can come true with a lot of hands on work believing that the outcome would be much more then one could imagine.

Night out with the big brothers:
After the second Frozen party,  daddy and I needed a night out away from anything kid-related environment.  We ended up going to a pub downtown where a cousin of mines works. I realized there is so much more in the night life then just a night out in a club. I wanted to experience bar hopping and an adult environment where can be enjoyable without someone looking down at you. The night out with the big brothers was a pleasant night with some beers and wings.

Thanksgiving Potluck:
This was the night I agreed to bring pies and cupcakes to the girls school Thanksgiving Potluck.  It was a nice night for the kids to have a big family Thanksgiving with their other scholars and teachers. There were so many dishes and ridiculous amount of pumpkin pies. It was a crazy night for me because it was the same week I did my two baked orders and the potluck was the night before the day of the two deliveries.  In the end it was fun, crazy getting there,  chaotic with noisy kids and the food was so delicious.

Thanksgiving week: 
This pass week the girls had the entire week off from school. To me it meant an entire week of drinking extra coffee in the morning and tons of sleep because I didn't have to wake up so early (5:45 am)  I did a few clips of the week base on what we did each day as part of a YouTube video I'm working on for my channel.. Lovelynelly23. The week went by fast and the last few days was spent with my older sister and the kids in my house for three days.

Christmas list:
As I mention before the last three days of the girls Thanksgiving vacation my older sister spent it at my house. We planned a post Thanksgiving dinner for the kids but it turned into a lighting of my Christmas tree.  I had the nieces and nephews including the girls to create a Christmas list to send to Santa, I ended up with like seven 3-page Christmas lists. That was fun, the kids got a chance to decorate the tree and I helped light up the tree.  It wasn't as exciting as the Rockefeller tree but at least they got to enjoyed each other company before going back to school.

These moments are close to my heart and I love that it happen in November. Hopefully this month (December ) we can end the year with a bang! I want precious memories before a new year starts and I hope I could share them with my readers. And don't forget to click on the links mentioned in this blog post to watch my YouTube videos I do with my girls on the weekends.

Until the next Blog..

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Sick all Week!!

I didn't get a chance to write on my blog last week because the girls were sick. Having both girls home away from school was pretty intense. First the week before that, at school in the morning,  Joannelly was complaining that her hand was itching and it bother her. I had baby Zoey at the time and i rush to get Joannelly from school to take her to the doctors so that we can figure out what this mess is all about. It turn out that Joannelly had Coxsackie A.K.A "Mouth, Hand, Foot Disease.  Let me break it down more if you have never heard of Coxsackie, it blister like bumps that appears inside the mouth, the inside of the hands and the bottom of the feet. This is common more on children and contagious, thankfully it didn't pass on to baby Zoey. I believe this occur due to the fact Jojo has this bad habitat of putting things in her mouth and she happen to put a rusted necklace they had but haven't wore it in a few months....Grreeeaaaatttt!! The doctor let me know that these goes away on their own without any antibiotics just keep her washing her hands and give her ibuprofen for pain. Sure that was no brainier, "she would stay home from school until the blisters goes away" I thought until it so happen that the blister pass on to the Drama Queen of the house, Amelia, so this week go pretty interesting. As a mother i made sure they didn't miss any work or homework. To my surprise went i went by the school to pick the homework packet and work for the week, I notice the stack of work the girls had to complete on top of the science projects that were due the week that they were going back to school. We as mother have to always be on top of children to ensure that they get their work done correctly until the day they end up sick the whole week then we are like "Oh shit!" (excuse my french) a week of "mommy she snatch!" "Mommy I'm tried i wanna finish later" later came..."mommy I'm tired can i finish tomorrow" but wait there's more! more whining, loud playing then some quite ready with the some giggles in between and a week filled with headaches and lots lots of love. Ok back to positive thoughts, happy thoughts. The entire week the girls spend it doing their homework any morning work that they do in class and their science project. When our kids get sick its not an easy job for us moms but we do it because they need us, all the sleepless nights and the constant cleaning of vomit or moments where they don't feel like eating anything and we don't want them to starve so we come up with so many meals as if our kitchen is a restaurant menu. And all the whining of being uncomfortable that sometimes we let things sly like letting them sleep with us at night or in their case eating popsicle all day because the doctor said it was ok. I'm
extremely glad my babies are back to themselves it does take a toll on us mom especially if don't we have much help, daddy couldn't help me because he had a crazy schedule that week so i was by myself in my house on "quarantine" like my sister calls it. Every is back to normal and i am ok with that so with that being said....

Until the next Blog.

Weekend Vlog: Mommy Birthday Weekend!!

Here is another weekend vlog with us celebrating my birthday together. Since that same week the girls got sick them minute they recover we went to watch Disney new movie "Big Hero 6" it was an amazing movie to watch and I think I will buy when it goes on DVD. So I hope you enjoy this video and if you have a YouTube account you will like me to watch put it on the comment box. Don't forget to subscribe to our weekend vlog channel, where I capture all the fun things we do over the weekend..

Until the next Blog...

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Taco Family Night!

So last night dinner was a fun dinner..Taco Tuesday? Nope. "Taco Wild Wednesday" I'll get in to more depth with the title in just a moment. The girls for days wanted tacos for dinner...i couldn't say no to one of the no-hassle dinners. Easy to prepare and easier to clean up..only when using paper plates! I went food shopping the other and came across the Old El Paso Taco Dinner Kit (AMAZING!!) I added a few of my favorite toppings for the tacos in the picture below. Dinner was so much fun especially for the girls, I love cooking with my girls only if they follow Other then that making dinners like this hands on is really fun, our kids feel more involved in the kitchen. I hope i can make more kid-friendly meals with the girls in the future cause they seem to enjoy it..
I warm up the taco shells in the micro-wave for about 40-45 seconds

I then cooked and seasoned the ground beef.

Our Taco Buffet

The girls got a chance to make their own tacos.

Seems like they really enjoyed it!

Taco Wild Wednesday was a huge mess!...I mean success!
 Until the next Blog...