Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Zoo Trip! April 2, 2014

Joannelly had her first kindergarten but i was too please because it was the same trip as last year. We ended up going to the Bronx Zoo. I even ask if the teacher if there were going to be any more trips in the next coming months and she didn't even know. This trip was exciting for JoJo because she was able to be with her friends outside of school. I ended up leading the trip because her teacher didn't remember her way around the zoo, keep in mind the zoo is a pretty wildlife environment with tons of different animals with so many different names. If you are planing to visit New York the Bronx Zoo is one of the most beautiful places to go and explore the wildlife. On our trip we were able to see a few animals like the lions and their cubs, some rhinos, bears, alot of birds. We had to take a break because we did a lot of walking for these tiny feet. Although it wasn't a beautiful sunny day out, the whole class enjoyed themselves watching whatever animals we were able to see and we got back to the school safe. I just hope this isn't their last trip and that JoJo school would come up with better trips for these kids, im not saying that the zoo wasn't fun which it was despite the long walks and the "don't know where i am going" moments. All i am saying that my girl school should plan on more better educational trip that fit their budgets. If you think otherwise i would like to know.

Until the next Blog...

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