Friday, April 18, 2014

Spring Break Vaca Day 5 "Cousin Date Day"

This NYC weather is driving me crazy! Its the middle of April and i'm feeling cold! Like I kept telling people, i am  not a  weather woman but we will have a long summer. Today was day 5 of our Spring Break activities and i'm pretty sure you all reading along thinking to yourself "oh how i wish I was those little girls" or "I would love to do that with my kids". Its funny because these are the same comments I've been getting since I started my plan. Its all about creating a plan and making sure the plan fits your budget to how much you decide to spend, most importantly do your research, I know I did. It is a lot of work to be planing and monitoring all these activities which is why I got some help. Thankfully hubby was off from work today we were able to go the aquarium today, despite the breeze weather, I made sure the girls were learning something and having fun. My niece was also off from school so I brought her with us didn't want her to stay home bored. Because of Sandy and new renovations that were going on, we really didn't see much. 
   The girls love the idea of watching fishes in a huge fish tank was amazing to them but for daddy he was making sure the girls weren't bumping into people which was impossible because it was crowded. I just want to clarify that I am not doing these vacation posts to brag about what my girls did on their spring break but help parents plan trips that are easy and affordable to do with their kids. Not many parents know what to do with their kids because either they don't have the time to search or not sure whats suitable for their child's age. I'm not rich or spend crazy money, i am just blessed to have what i have and fortunate enough to share this experience with my readers. After we finished watching whatever sea animals were able to see, we walked right over to the boardwalk to grab some lunch. I can't wait till we come back in summer to Coney Island and enjoy the attraction and the beach. I remember when I was little I came to Coney Island with my mother, brothers and a few of my cousin. I wasn't sure where I was but I do remember the beach by the boardwalk it was beautiful sun and hot sand. As weird as this weather was today I know the girls had a good time. So now i end this blog here for another adventure awaits for tomorrow. ....

Until the next Blog....

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