Thursday, April 17, 2014

Spring Break Vaca Day 4 "Lunch/Movie Date Day "

It is getting closer to the end of the week and so far has been bittersweet. For the first time in my life i am actually enjoying this Spring Break Vacation, growing up i do remember my mother doing fun things with us what we had consider fun. Our fun growing up was making home videos and being very creative at home or outside at the park. So today's adventure was a movie date with Amelia's friend from school. We went to see Rio 2 which was a lovely movie to watch and it was funny too. I love how the birds were singing and made the performance looked so beautiful and colorful making me want to go to Brazil even though the birds were in the amazon (not the I honestly can say that i love this sequel better than the first movie, i just hope there's no part 3 cause there are movies that don't need a sequel and then there are movie that do need a sequel just to give the title a good name.

            We had lunch at Applebee's before we went to the theaters, i order both the girls the same thing, chicken tender with fries. Knowing my girls and the fact that kids do this, they didn't finish all their food. Parenting tip #1 If you are in a budget and don't want to spend a lot when out at a restaurant with your kids just ordering one meal for the kids (if they are little kids) or order the same thing for the kids and order yourself the appetizers that way at the end we eat the kids leftover there's nothing wrong with that. This method worked for me only because i had breakfast and hour an half before we ate lunch i wasn't that hungry. So i spend $25 on us three, that's two entrees, an appetizer and three drinks (water, apple juice and ice tea). I had to stop by one the department store at the plaza before we went to the theaters, i had to buy Jojo some cough drops. I was fortunate to have Amelia's friend whose mother is a paramedic she was able to recommend cough drops that were suitable for Joannelly. Parenting tip #2 reward cards are your friend! I was able to spend nothing from my pocket when i got the large bottle of water from the movies, that water cost $4.75 i was able to use my reward card from the movies to pay for it, you can also use it on movie tickets too! So if you don't have one i suggest you get one. The girls and i really had a gracious evening with Amelia's friend and her family.

 I delighted myself with this yummy chocolate snack from Brookside, i found an interest in eat different kind of foods into my diet. I was hearing and seeing the fruit called Goji Berries not sure what it was so i did some research, found out that Goji berries are from china and they are really good for you. It helps with your immune system as well as good source for anti-aging and the other good stuff for our bodies. After seeing its at the supermarket once then i see everyone buying them i finally got my hands on the Brookside Dark Chocolate Goji and Raspberry snack. The rest of the evening was spent at home, usually we would be home by 6-7pm and yes i know its late but this time we got home at 5 way before daddy got home from work. Parenting Tip #3 To get your partner to do the things they least like to do, use their own words against them. This method only work if you know your partner very well this may or may not work but the key to a healthy relationship is compromise not everyone does it or like it but can't keep a car going if you don't give it gasoline. My husband, i know him well enough to make this method work... keep in mind i do it with love and respect. As tired as he was i use his word against him to put Jojo to bed he didn't like it but i stated everything he use to say to me whether its about cleaning the house or being the provider of the house and i use the key word "your baby girl wants her daddy" Parenting tip #4 Our children's comfort comes first then ours. We went back and forth with each other, its all about using your words very sweet and kind so what i said was " If you complain about keeping the house clean how can i clean the dishes if the girls are going to keep getting up from the bed, i need your help to keep them in bed". Like i said that method only works if you really know your partner if not there will be consent arguments. Is not easy having the "growing old together" relationship, i mean its works for some relationship and for other it don't but as we get older we are learning everyday. My husband and i are the same age we are a young couple but what makes our relationship fresh is that before our relationship we are best-friends and i know we have a lot of learning to do. Our Spring Break is not over yet so...

Until the next Blog.....

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