Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Thank You Mom.


On this same day and date 11 years ago was the worst moment any child has ever gone through...  but 11 years today her wounds have already been healed the day this girl heard the words "mommy" from her own child...this girl remembered the words her mother once said "no matter what happens put your faith in Him and He will take care of the rest" those words stayed true to her heart which were her stitches to her wound and in time the scares are still there of those stitches but the wounds are healed.... every year this girl never remember her mother's death but her mother's love and it has kept her from the tears of the night because those tears that are now shed from her own children when they need their "mommy"..Thank you mom for your love and crazy ways and thank you for the struggles that you went through so that your children didn't follow in your foots steps because you believe we were capable in a better lifestyle. Thank You.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Yesterday was a special day for a little girl...she turn a whole hand, 5 years old Amelia. She was pretty excited for months now and i believe it had to with the fact that she is having a "Spooky" theme party this weekend. I have been her mother for 5 years now and I enjoyed every year with my little baby who is no longer a baby. She just keep getting smarter and smarter each year, there's just no words that can describe how I feel every year my kids get older. All I think about is how grateful I am to be able to hold them another year, to kiss them good-night another year. I am grateful for all the whining and crying, for the laughter from when my girls do or say funny things.  Nothing warms my heart then to know I could wake every morning with my girls in my bed.
Hearing their voices and how much they love their mommy makes my heart melt. Just to watch every milestone in their life gives me hope, which is why I am a big believer in prayer...I pray every year for my blessings which are the ones that I love. Every child is a child of God, who protects them anyway He can. We may not agree with some of His protective ways and we may thank Him for his protective ways. I have many fears for my girls just like every parent does but i do thank Him each year for their life. Being a parent means putting their needs before your own, if its freezing outside you give them the only coat you have to keep your child warmer. Parenthood is not all candy and cookies, its hard work and rewarding at the same time. So for Amelia's birthday I went to her class with cupcakes and her classmates sang "Happy Birthday" Later that day after dinner, I had asked daddy to get Amelia a cake and he got her an Oreo ice cream cake. She loved every minute of her special day and no matter how many "bad days" I get with just her happy high pitch scream it's a reminder that I am doing my job just fine. I love you baby girl wish you nothing but the best in your future and I will be by your side no matter what.

Until the next Blog...

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

New School...New Friends...New Teachers.

New school, new experience.... this moment I have been waiting since the day that Amelia was born (2009). Since then it was the most hardiest motherhood experience I have ever been through in my entire life (I know I'm being dramatic ). I say this because I did it without my mother,.my girl never got to meet their grandmother, she left too soon. OK tears are dry up now, I'm ready to keep writing. This past September was the day the girls started a new school...together!! I felt like a million dollars about this, it just makes my life a little bit less stressful. It was Amelia's best friend mother that push me to put the girls in charter school, I had my bad experience in Joannelly previous school and I didn't want Amelia to start kindergarten in that same school. Jojo was in public school and I'm not saying that ALL public schools are bad then again I just felt that I did my part as parent to help my child in school but I felt the work wasn't enough. I had another public school I wanted the girls to attend a pretty good public school closer to home, Amelia got accepted but it would be a little difficult for Joannelly to get in. I didn't want the to deal with the transferring Jojo to different schools it worried me a little, I had bad experience with transferring schools growing up, it sort of affected my social skills.
From preK- to elementary school i have attended about 5 different school before i reach the 4th grade, i was known as the "quiet kid" I rarely made any "close" friends. As a patent I didn't want my girls to go through that experience, I'm sure other parents have their concerns about transferring their child depending on the circumstances and then there are others that don't have a problem because they are looking out for their child best academic interest. The reason why I decided to take the risk of transferring was because I got tired of getting no answers in Jojo school, tired of hearing other parents saying "my child is in 1st grade reading at 2nd grade level" or "the teachers didn't go over that in class". I needed to do something about it...make that change that will improve their intelligence, cause Yes these kids of this generation are much smarter these days, it's the school system that needs to update their hardware of teaching. Their are kids doing homework or projects on all these new technologies. And I want my kids to be one of them, although we do get the "I can't do it" phase with our children but we they just don't to do the work, that's when we find alternatives in their learning. OK back to the new school....it's a charter school however it's still a public school it just doesn't follow the public school systems or teaching technique.
 I have my pro's and con's about charter school but what I can say is that the school really embrace the students abilities to learn and that outshines the con's. My girls love their new school, teachers and made friends pretty quickly. I love love love LOVE..it's the same homework for each grade! what I mean by that is...all first graders have the same homework and all kindergartners have their homework the same. So no matter what class they are in the students would be on the same page. I like that the students can move up a grade or if the teachers feel that the student needs just a little more help goes down a grade but never hurt their self-esteem because the student has a chance to go to the grade they started before the end of the school year. I like this idea because it doesn't back track the teachers and their lesson plan, it keeps a steady academic flow. I love my girls and I want the best for them like all parents do however I'll be just as excited if they WANT the best for themselves because they love the challenge of learning.
 These charter school scholars work really hard with their teachers practicing for the state exams which is why they have longer school days and shorter holiday off, they waste no time. So as I sit in on my with my tired scholar (Jojo) who is taking a nap as I write this it's only my first experience at a charter school and it may not apply to most charter schools but I know my girls are getting the education they deserve. OK now I have to stop writing cause my little one (Amelia) is climbing the walls in my room dancing in her sister Christmas dress from last year showing me her "Dancing Queen" moves beside that, I have to start dinner before daddy gets home or else I would be getting a survey title "Why is dinner not done yet I'm starving". So......

Until the next Blog....

Thursday, October 9, 2014

School Lunches!!

I have been excited to do this post because i have for some time now, taken pictures of the girls school lunches. It may seem weird to be taking picture of what my kids eat for lunch everyday but to me it helps to know what lunches I already have made just so I can change things up a bit. It all started two weeks into the new school year, JoJo begged for a couple of days that she wanted to bring school lunch from home. I had explained to her that school provided lunch and that why I needed to bring lunch, she insisted that "everyone" (a little exaggeration I might add) in her class brought their own lunch at school. I never had a problem with school lunches I figure it has changed since that last time I was in elementary school back in the 90's. I have read that the parents make their children school lunches from home for allergies reasons or the different foods that their family eats, I on the other hand enjoy making these lunch for the girls. The one problem I have is that on some days I get full lunch bags, on the bright side i only make these lunches 4 days within the week because every Wednesday is half-days for the girls. So here are the lunches I made these pass couple of days and keep in mind that every week I will be our weekly school lunches, hopefully this helps other mothers out there for more ideas for their little one school lunch bag!  
  • Oscar Meyers Lunchables 
  • YoplaitGo-Gurt
  • Market Pantry Raisins
  • Mott's Grape juice
  1. Horizon Organic Cheddar cheese stick
  2. Market Pantry Raisins
  3. Spring Water
  4. Ham and cheddar cheese rolls
  5. Quakers chewy granola (chocolate chips)
  6. Blueberry Mini Muffin
  1. Chedder Cheese Crackers
  2. Go-gurt
  3. Home-made pasta shells w/ ground-beef
  4. Home-made Parmesan cheese bread sticks
  5. Mott's Grape Juice
  6. Market Pantry Raisins 
  1. Yoohoo Chocolate Milk
  2. Dole Fruit Squish'ems (apple mixed berry)
  3. Cheddar Cheese Cubs w/ Multi-grain crackers  
  4. PB&J burrito rolls
  5. Annie's Mac & cheese
  1. Gold Fish Crackers
  2. Dole Fruit Squish'em
  3. Yogurt with granola 
  4. Market Pantry Raisins
  5. PB & J Sandwich
  6. Apples and Eves's Fruitable juice
  1. Ham and Cheese Burrito
  2. Green Grapes
  3. Raisins
  4. Go-gurt
  5. Yoohoo chocolate milk
  1. Chocolate Drizzled Rice cakes
  2. Carrots w/ ranch dressing 
  3. Fruit Snack gummy
  4. Chicken Salad Sandwich
There you have my girls school lunch from the past week and a half. Most of these lunches are pretty basic but i do want to incorporate more healthier lunch. I will do my best to post more pics of their lunches in the future.

Until the next Blog....

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Weekend Vlog (Vlog-tober Month)

Here is another weekend vlog for you guys! I have been vlogging for some time now and i like that i can share them with my readers. Vlogging on the weekends are our days off of our busy morning rush week. And i decided to vlog on the weekends because i know we will be doing a lot of stuff on the weekends. The girls enjoy them and we hope you enjoy watching them too, i also have other vlogs that i have done in the pass if you would like to watch. Our biggest hit was our trip to Disney World in Florida, it was an amazing first family trip. Keep a look out on our family weekend vlogs on YouTube!

Click here -----> Birthday Weekend

First Dental Appointment

FINALLY! There teeth have been taken care of...I'm pretty sure I'm not the only parent who is late taking their kids to the dentist and still not too late to go either. Don't get me wrong they have been to the dentist before but on those mobile dentist office by my college years ago. This time my girls finally have a dentist of their own that they can keep going to,  I'm pretty excited about that. I don't know what it every time a make appointment or an errand it's like I'm earning what my sister calls it "Mommy Points" so doctors appointment completed that's 1 mommy points, groceries done mommy point. It may seem lame..whose counting mommy points anyways, but knowing that when an errand is completed it feels awesome. So for this dental appointment I got a mommy point!! 

It's all about the importance of any kind of hygiene and teaching our kids how to take care so we don't have to do all the time even if it means to remind them every day to take a shower or brush their teeth. My sister and I, from what i remember, were never raised with the understanding of hygiene, my mother would just tell us "go take a shower" or "go brush your teeth". I remember going to the dentist once before in my life and i was told i needed braces after that appointment i never wanted to go back to the dentist. My mother did the best that she can when it came to our hygiene the rest was taken care of the young women in our lives....old friend, older sister and our aunts. Now that i have my girls , I will also do the best that I can to help my girls understand why it's important to take care of their hygiene and I know there are many reasons for a young girl to develop low self-esteem despite that i don't "I'm not pretty" to be one of them. I love my girls and I would always want them to always have a beautiful smile as they do now.

Until the next Blog...