Thursday, June 26, 2014

Graduation Week

This week my babies will be reach yet another milstone in their lives....Graduation! These are the first of many graduation but now ill focus on this year. My oldest daughter Joannelly graduated from kindergarten and my eldest Amelia graduated from prek. In the beginning of the school year till now has been a rollercoaster ride but I am grateful we made it through. There were the struggles  of getting up early, then the fights of uniforms to the point of getting to school late no matter how great the night before plans worked out. I feel to believe my one and only struggle in life is time management.  I could never seem to get it down pack. But anyways im getting off topic. My girls enjoyed their school year and learned alot, I was more excited about their graduation because they no longer going to separate school and the are going to a new school..a charter school. I still don't see whats the whole big deal about charter schools I just hope the girls do good in school with good grades and make friends. Im proud of my girls that daddy and I decided to get the girls graduation presents.  They were so surprised when we told them we are going to Toys R Us, its like thats their happy place. I explained to the girls that kids should be rewarded for their hard work in school, I dont typically buy the girls any toys just cause they want it (unless its a birthday..if they deserve it). The girls graduation was Tuesday and Wednesday, the other parents were astound that the girls graduation weren't on the same day, I on the other hand, was relief. We enjoyed both off to another school year and grade... but for now its time for summer vacation I guess lets see whats in stored..
Until the next Blog

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Things Happen and life goes on...

Hey Bloggers!
Today was the day I got fired.......its going to take me a moment to accept the fact that I will be on the no job boat once again. I actually had in mind to leave my job, didn't think it was going to be this soon but life goes on. I'm grateful to have my husband here to help me cope and my sister to help me go through the next step. I decided to write today because writing helps me clear my mind before it got clutter with so many unhealthy thoughts. I know I have to think positive and take this opportunity to evaluate the future as well as take a seat back to the present. I leave all my worries to God I believe in the higher power. Ever since I was young, my mother use to be a church woman of God and growing up in church I always kept my faith in Him. Sometimes we go through situations that we have no idea why it happen and its like God doesn't want us to know the reasons just know its part of His plan. So as I sit here in front of my computer debating with the girls about going to bed early if they want to go to the beach in the morning, there are situations I don't have control of (except putting these girls to bed) all I know is that life goes on... We can't stay negative about the situations just take a break from it and then find a time to think positively, as a mother I have to show my girls that no matter what one goes through always think about the positives and solutions that an help one cope. I'm glad I have my husband who can be very understanding and so caring. Its people like that we we need to be and stay positive.  So as I sit back enjoy the summer and babies, ill just keep working hard to get back on track again. Stay positive and dont let negativity stay where its not welcome.
Until the next Blog..

Friday, June 20, 2014

Almonds Everywhere!

Hey everyone,
When I rhink about being healthy I first think about eating healthy.  Cheesy yeah im sure but ill get to my point in a second. I am trying my best to have a healthier lifestyle, my husband has only half of an healthy lifestyle, when I mean by have I mean he workout everyday but doesn't eat healthy. I love to cook different foods that is healthy or good for your body. I incorporate lots of veggies in my meals and fruits as a snack, well atleast I try cause its not easy eatting fruits when theres a bottle of nutella staring right at you from all the way from the kitchen table. Thankfully my family and I aren't allergic to any kind of nut, although the girls do eat nuts that much but mommy and daddy do! I was introduce to almond milk a few years ago and I feel in love with it. I love the taste and digest very well in my tummy. I love to add almond milk to everything, pancakes, cereals, tea anything food u think of. Almonds adds a richier taste to your food, it has a lot more calcium than regular milk. Almond milk is good for skin and has a lot of the good nutrients for your body. Here are a few ways i incorporate almonds in my healthy meals!

Granola Cereal w/ Almond milk

Almond milk w/ tea

                           (it may look nasty but tastes great!) Almond milk w/ 1 tlbs of peanut butter and oatmeal

Almond Pancakes!
Chocolate Almond Milk

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Where have i been!!..

Hey my blogger readers!

I know i haven't been writing in months but i have great news!...IM BACK! A lot of stuff has happen since my last post and i was also busy busy planing my little sister her very first baby shower! I was so excited to do it for her just a little downside, not everything that i have planned came out the way i wanted, but all that matter was that my sister was smiling all night. Keeping a big secret like that from the one person i share all my secrets was pretty damn hard. Last time i wrote on the blog was about the girls Spring Break Vacation week (if you haven't read about thatclick here) that was two months ago. Wow! a lot has happen school trips, mothers and fathers day, a day out with mommy, birthdays, my sister's baby shower and an indie wedding. Sometimes life takes you where one least expected and so far i haven't had the time to sit down in front of my computer and type. So here are a few highlights of the months i haven't posted

Mothers/Fathers Day Gifts
The girls school trips
A few birthday celebration
My little sister baby shower
June Indie Wedding