So Christmas is coming soon and i have decided to create goodies bags for girls classmate. I tend to do this every year but its the first time i post it on my blog. What we have here are these cutie bags i found in in the
Deals store...which by the way are adorable!! the gingerbread and the reindeer bags they flap open in other words they fold like a lunch bag. The snowman and penguin bags are cookie bags but i improvise and put goodies stuff inside. I wish i had taken a picture of the inside of each bag but i was up all night trying to fill almost 50 bags!! YIKES!! But this is what creative mothers love to do is that weird?? Like i told my sister "I don't do these things because i have to, i do them because i want to" Here's my first DIY project i got alot of likes on my
instagram profile i also made a really nice creative DIY Christmas project gifts for teachers. Hope you like this idea (not really detailed but its a first DIY post) for Christmas and i promise to make my next project more detail. But what do you think of this projects i love feed backs! :)
Until the next Blog...