Wednesday, August 21, 2013

We saw Selena Gomez!

Hey Blogs!

      This summer has started great! we survive the first year of school or another year of school, my family enjoyed a vacation to Disney World and we also did small adventures. But i think the highlight of the girls summer vacation was meeting their favorite singer... Selena Gomez! They never really saw her in person before just heard her songs and fell in love. So my older sister told me about a free concert in central park that was going and that Selena was going to be there. So an adventurous mom that i am i search online about this "free concert" i was curious to know about . So to my surprise there was a free concert going on from Good Morning America. So i decided to wake up really early that day to take the girls to see their favorite artist and we didn't meet up with my sister and niece till 2 hrs after waiting for the performance. All i can say is that all the pain and crying
(but not so much the teenage pushing
)was all worth it and my girls had all smiles on their faces. Click below to see our adventure.

Until my next blog!

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