For today blog i just want to vent a little, nothing about what the girls did today or our mini adventure. So right now mommy is taking a time out for herself. I've been feeling down still since i stop working and all, even with our trip to Hersey Park i haven't been feeling myself. Its our human nature to as women to feel overwhelm with work, school, children and just life in general. I felt like i needed a day for myself, we all need those days. We spent almost all of our children lives taking them everywhere we go the supermarket, salon, bank and even the gym. Some days i just want to do things by myself without worrying about the girls fighting or be precaution about our surroundings. It was just one of those days where i can do errands without my babies or have a girls night and every chance i get start to feel bad that i'm leaving my babies behind. I still feel that way til this day, i'm pretty sure its parental insecurities. Today i got up took a shower, got dressed then laid the girls clothes out on their beds, i step into the living-room while the girls were playing store and i ask them "Girls wanna come with me to the supermarket or you stay home when daddy gets here?" I was pretty surprised by their answer "We will stay home mommy, but who will stay with us" as funny as the answer was of course daddy came home just in time. So i took the opportunity to go food shopping by myself...By Myself. For a second i thought the girls needed fresh air but it turns out it was me who needed the fresh air. I enjoyed being outside for a little without the girls, it was very therapeutic the driving and get the things that i needed for myself. I always thank God for everything i have no matter the situation and i would tell myself that the downfalls are only temporary if we only make it temporary. I will get back on track in the work field my plan is to get employee by the time the girls start school (Mid-August), so this summer i will work on my resume and putting myself out there while enjoying the summer with the girls....including my nieces. Mommy time-out still continues even after the girls are sleep and i'm catching up on the show
Orange is the New Black at the same time that i am blogging. For right now my mindset is to stay positive in the midst of my storm called "life", i want to be able to find something to be able to help financially at home and yet love doing it while making it my passion. I have my baking, its a passion of mines, when i am creating bake goods for someone its like i have the ability to express myself in baking and reality doesn't seem so dreadful.Then i have my Blogs, i can also express my feeling and thoughts on parenting with our little family adventures. I still have blog posts that i haven't uploaded yet for distracting myself but they will be post so stay tune. So mommies (and Daddies) go ahead take your time-out that is much needed, enjoy it for a moment its ok to have some time for yourselves. My night continues with mama lion watching her show, papa lion sleeping and baby cubs are asleep.
Until the next Blog...